Since 2008, our company has been successfully organizing one-time and regular deliveries of the necessary goods for its customers, we are looking for and finding reliable suppliers. From the first days of our foundation, we knew how we would stand out in this service market. We understood that our employees should be located not only in the country of the manufacturer, but also in the country of the customer, without which it is impossible to take into account all the subtleties of the mentality, the specifics of the market, ensure proper control at all stages and get good results in the end. Therefore, we did not limit ourselves to an office in China and opened representative offices in Russia and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan is in the plans.
All this allows us to satisfy the highest requirements of our customers for many years without any language barrier.
We have come a long way over the years. We helped our customers to create their own brands and organized their regular deliveries, supplied machines, assemblies, parts, clothes and shoes. We found suppliers of raw materials and components for existing industries.
The PLANET GROUP team will continue to help businesses to be born and scale, create and save jobs.